Saturday, 27 August 2011

((((Brain Castles)))) Vincent Troia curated by Darren Barrowcliff

Vincent Troia 'aye, aye, a scratch, a scratch', 2011

((((Brain Castles))))
Vincent Troia curated by Darren Barrowcliff
Dates: Sat 3 - Sat 24 Sept, 2011
Preview: Sat 3 Sept // 6.30-8.30pm

BEARSPACE is pleased to present the first UK exhibition of new works by American artist Vincent Troia curated by Darren Barrowcliff.

Troia has lived and worked in both Detroit and South Korea. In this exhibition, collage and sculpture merge to create works that are at once both 3- and 2- dimensional. Troia utilizes found images of aerial landscapes and people, folding them into various polyhedral shapes. He incorporates found damaged paper materials, dirtied textile scraps, discarded packaging and occasionally featuring other small street sourced findings.

American curator Darren Barrowcliff met Troia in Detroit, attracted to Troia’s skill in achieving a decisive abstraction, connected to the strong yet subtle choice of imagery, supporting the unique appeal of the Troia’s works. Barrowcliff describes the artist’s ability to “fit a feeling of contemporary finish with historical references, alongside tongue in cheek and trompe l’oeil. The work speaks of youthful angst yet is full of profound wisdoms.”

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